Thursday 24 June 2021


 Hi guys! Sorry that it's been a long time since I posted something but now I am doing one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!😀😀😄😄 So this blog post is about Arcade.Makecode.Com at the end of this post I put a link to create a project all you have to do is go in edit code that will be on the top next to the simulator ( the arcade thing.). Once you clicked on that you can start to create your project! So like I probably gave away what this app can do. You create games  and have fun! click here to see an example of a game! You can also make virtual cards, platformer games, 2 player games and more!

The picture I put is a game I made called Robber Monkeys!. It can be a 2 player game or a 1 player game! I will put the link here. And I forgot to say the controls for player 1 are W(up) S(down) A(left) D(right) Z(A) and X(B). For p2 they are I(up) K(down) J(left) U(A) and O(B). But if you are alone you might find it easier to us the arrow keys, space bar(A) and enter(B). Well that's all you need to know about Arcade.Makecode.Com! In my next post i will write down a tutorial that you can follow to make a 2 player game a bit like Robber Monkeys!. So till next time! The link to create projects


 Hi guys! Sorry that it's been a long time since I posted something but now I am doing one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!😀😀😄😄 So this blog post...