Thursday 24 June 2021


 Hi guys! Sorry that it's been a long time since I posted something but now I am doing one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!😀😀😄😄 So this blog post is about Arcade.Makecode.Com at the end of this post I put a link to create a project all you have to do is go in edit code that will be on the top next to the simulator ( the arcade thing.). Once you clicked on that you can start to create your project! So like I probably gave away what this app can do. You create games  and have fun! click here to see an example of a game! You can also make virtual cards, platformer games, 2 player games and more!

The picture I put is a game I made called Robber Monkeys!. It can be a 2 player game or a 1 player game! I will put the link here. And I forgot to say the controls for player 1 are W(up) S(down) A(left) D(right) Z(A) and X(B). For p2 they are I(up) K(down) J(left) U(A) and O(B). But if you are alone you might find it easier to us the arrow keys, space bar(A) and enter(B). Well that's all you need to know about Arcade.Makecode.Com! In my next post i will write down a tutorial that you can follow to make a 2 player game a bit like Robber Monkeys!. So till next time! The link to create projects

Saturday 20 February 2021

Brawl Stars


In this blog i will tell you tips about Brawl Stars. A game made by Supercell. This is my second blog if you didn't see the frist one plz check it out its called Amoug Us. The pictures have the brawler i think is the best for that mode.

This is my favorite game mode its called solo showdown. You are alone you have to beat  evrybody else as poison clouds advance if you  go inside you will take damage. As you see i think el primo is the best brawler for this game mode cause he deals a good amount of damage if you do not have el primo you can use rosa.

This is a good game mode but rare to get cause it is a special event. You and two other pepole have to beat a big robot dinosaur before the city is destroyed. Again i tink el primo is the best bralwer if you do not have primo you can use rosa,colt or shelly. shelly is a last case resort cause she is not that good but if she is at least power 8 you can start using her more often.

Ahhhhhh brawl ball,  an awesome game mode. Three vs three frist to score two goals wins. If time runs out it goes into overtime and evry block and grass paths breaks and you have 30 seconds to score a goal. I recomed bo for this mode if you do not have bo use colt til you have bo. 

You can now buy pin packs to get pins the more pin packs you get the more pins you have. Pins are so funny and they have all emotions so this will wrap up my second post i hope you learned a lot and you will keep reading my blogs!

Among Us


In this post i will tell my tips about Amoug Us a very fun game. The creator of Amoug Us is Inner Sloth. A funny name when you think about it. So lets start whith the crewmate tips.

 If you want to win as an crewmate you and your  felow crewmates must do all your tasks. Lets get in the tips. Try to find out who the imposter is. Report as many body's as posible. Share your info in the chat and try not to dye. Extra tip: if you have sbmit scan in your task's do it when there are pepole cause imposter's can not fake that task it proves you are not imposter. 

If you want to win as an imposter you have to kill everyone. If you are alone you should not go on a killing spree and kill everyone one after a other but try to be sneky. Kill vent kill vent that's how I do it but you can also kill nobody it mith be harder to win but you may not be spoted. Extra tip: if you want to get around quickly I recommend to study the vent conextion beteewn the vents.

You can custimize your alien watever it is with hats,pet and skins. You have to pay to get a skin or a pet. This is the end of my first post i hope you learned a lot  and will continue to read my post's !


 Hi guys! Sorry that it's been a long time since I posted something but now I am doing one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!😀😀😄😄 So this blog post...